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UBC Statistics Department

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James V. Zidek

Professor Emeritus

Office: Room 3182 Earth Sciences Building
Phone: (604) 551-3469
Fax: (604) 822-6960
Email: jim at stat dot ubc dot ca

Jim's photo

Research Interests:

Bayesian decision analysis, monitoring network design, spatial prediction. More information about my research interests.


More about the textbook below about environmental epidemiology published in 2016 can be found on the publisher's webpage. It also has a webpage with a lot of additional material, R code and so on. Its preface describes how it may be used in courses for students with various backgrounds, e.g. those in environmental epidemiology.

Book cover
Book three cover
The reference work above is about environmental processes was published in 2006 and represented the state of spatio-temporal processes, especially those involving Gaussian processes, at the time of its publication. It includes a tutorial on the use of its accompanying software package called EnviroStat.

Degrees, positions:

B.Sc. (1961), University of Alberta
M.Sc. (1963), University of Alberta
Ph.D. (1967), Stanford

University of Alberta (1962-63)
     Sessional Lecturer,

Stanford University
    Teaching and Research Assistant (1962-67)

University of British Columbia
    Assistant Professor of Statistics (1967-1970)
    Associate Professor of Statistics (1971-1976)
    Professor of Statistics (1977-2004)
    Head of Statistics (1984-1989, 1997-2002)
    Professor Emeritus (2005-)

Australian Commonwealth Industrial and Scientific Organization and
    Imperial College
    Visiting Scientist and Professor (1975-76)

South African Council for Scientific and Industrial Research and
     Imperial College
     Visiting Scientist and Professor (1982-83)

University of Washington
    Professor of Statistics (1983-84)

University of Bath
     Visiting Professor (1989-90)

National University of Singapore and University of Kent
     Visiting Scientist and Professor (1982-83)

University of Bath/Statistical Applied Mathematical Sciences Institute
    Visiting Professor(2002-2003)

University of Bath
     Global Chair for the Institute for Mathematical Innovation (2015-2016)


1976: Elected Fellow, Institute of Mathematical Statistics

1979: Elected Member, International Statistical Institute

1988: Elected Fellow, American Statistical Association>

1987: President, Statistical Society of Canada

1989: Izaak Walton Killam Senior Fellowship

1999: Eugene Lukacs Symposium Distinguished Service Award

2000: Invited Presidential Address Statistical Society of Canada

2000: Gold Medal, Statistical Society of Canada

2000: Distinguished Achievement Medal, Environmental
    Statistics Section, American Statistical Association

2001: Izaak Walton Research Prize

2003: Hunter Lecture, International Environmetrics Society

2003: Elected Fellow, Royal Society of Canada

2004: Plenary Lecture, South African Statistical Association

2005: Honorary Membership Statistical Society of Canada

2005: Appointed to Clean Air Scientific Advisory Committee for Ozone, US EPA

2007: PIMS Tenth Anniversary Distinguished Lecture, U Washington

2018: Statistician of the Month: September, Chapman and Hall/CRC Pres

2019: The David Rees Distinguished Visiting Fellowship, University of Exeter

2020: Inducted as an Officer of the Order of Canada

2021: Inaugural recipient of the UBC Emeritus College Award for
     Excellence in Innovative and Creative Endeavors

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