1976: Elected Fellow, Institute of Mathematical Statistics
1979: Elected Member, International Statistical Institute
1988: Elected Fellow, American Statistical Association>
1987: President, Statistical Society of Canada
1989: Izaak Walton Killam Senior Fellowship
1999: Eugene Lukacs Symposium Distinguished Service Award
2000: Invited Presidential Address Statistical Society of Canada
2000: Gold Medal, Statistical Society of Canada
2000: Distinguished Achievement Medal, Environmental
Statistics Section, American Statistical Association
2001: Izaak Walton Research Prize
2003: Hunter Lecture, International Environmetrics Society
2003: Elected Fellow, Royal Society of Canada
2004: Plenary Lecture, South African Statistical Association
2005: Honorary Membership Statistical Society of Canada
2005: Appointed to Clean Air Scientific Advisory Committee for Ozone, US EPA
2007: PIMS Tenth Anniversary Distinguished Lecture, U Washington
2018: Statistician of the Month: September, Chapman and Hall/CRC Pres
2019: The David Rees Distinguished Visiting Fellowship, University of Exeter
2020: Inducted as an Officer of the Order of Canada
2021: Inaugural recipient of the UBC Emeritus College Award for
Excellence in Innovative and Creative Endeavors