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James V Zidek
Dawid, A.P., Stone, M. and Zidek, J.V. (1973). Marginalization paradoxes in Bayesian and Structural inference. Journal of the Royal Statistical
Society. Series. B, 35:189-233.
Brewster, J.F. and Zidek, J.V. (1974). Improving on equivariant estimators. Annals of Statistics , 2:1-18.
Clevenson, M.L. and Zidek, J.V. (1975). Simultaneous estimation of the means of independent Poisson laws. i>Journal of the American
Statistical Association, 70:698-705.
Zidek, J.V. (1978). Deriving unbiased risk estimators of multinormal mean and regression coefficient estimators using Zonal polynomials.
Annals of Statistics, 6:769-782.
Weerahandi, S. and Zidek, J.V. (1979). A characterization of the general mean. Canadian Journal of Statistics., 7:83-90.
Zidek, J.V., Navin, F.D.P., and Lockhart, R. (1979). Statistics of extremes: an alternate method with application to bridge design codes.
Technometrics 8:185-191.
Buckland, P.G., Navin, F.D.P., Zidek, J.V., and Fisk, C. (1976). Design traffic loads on the Lion's Gate bridge.
Transportation Research Record, 607:19-24.
Steele, J.M. and Zidek, J.V. (1980). Optimal strategies for second guessers. Journal of the American Statistical Association, 75:596-601.
Weerahandi, S. and Zidek, J.V. (1983). Elements of multi-Bayesian decision theory. Annals of Statistics , 11:1032-1046.
Caselton, W.F. and Zidek, J.V. (1984). Optimal monitoring network designs. Statistics and Probability Letters, 2:223-227.
Genest, C. and Zidek, J.V. (1986). Combining probability distributions: a critique and an annotated bibliography.
Statistical Science, 1:114-148.
Zidek, J.V. (1988). Group decision analysis and its application to
combining opinions. Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, 20,
Genest, C., Weerahandi, S. and Zidek, J.V. (1990). Conditionalization and likelihood dominance in group belief formation.
Statistics and Decisions , 8:183-198.
Le, N.D. and Zidek, J.V. (1992). Interpolations with uncertain spatial covariances. A Bayesian alternative to Kriging.
Journal of Multivariate
Analysis, 43, 351-374.
Caselton, W.F., Kan, L. and Zidek, J.V. (1992). Quality data networks that minimize entropy. In Statistics in the Environmental
and Earth Sciences (Eds: A.T. Walden and P. Guttorp), London: Elsevier Science, 10-38.
Schumacher, P. and Zidek, J.V. (1993). Using prior information in
designing intervention detection experiments. Annals of Statistics, 21,
van Eeden, C. and Zidek, J.V. (1994). Group Bayes estimation of the
exponential mean: a retrospective view of the Wald theory." In Statistical
Theory and Related Topics. Eds. S.S. Gupta and J.O. Berger. New York:
Hu, F. and Zidek, J.V. (1995). An approach to bootstrapping through estimating equations, Biometrika, 82:263-275.
Zidek, J.V., Wong, H., Le, N.D. and Burnett, R.T. (1996). Causality,
measurement error and multicollinearity in epidemiology. Environmetrics,
7, 441-451.
Zidek, J.V., Wong, H., Le, N.D., and Burnett, R.T. (1997). Causality, measurement error and multicollinearity epidemiology.
Environmetrics, 7:441-451.
Liu, J., Wu, S. and Zidek, J.V. (1997). On segmented multivariate regression. Statistica Sinica, 7:497-525.
Zidek, J.V., White, R., Le, N.D., Sun, W. and Burnett, R.J. (1998). Imputing unmeasured explanatory variables in environmental epidemiology with application to health impact analysis of air pollution. Ecological and Environmental Statistics , 5:99 -105.
Hu, F and Zidek, J.V. (2002). The weighted likelihood. Canadian Journal of Statistics 30: 347-371.
Zidek, J.V., Shaddick, G., White, R., Meloche, J. and Chatfield, C. (2005). Using a probabilistic model (pCNEM) to estimate personal exposure air pollution. Environmetrics. 16, 481-493.
Chang, H., Fu, A.Q., Le, N.D. and Zidek, J.V. (2007). Designing environmental monitoring networks for measuring extremes.
Ecological and Environmental Statistics, 14, 411 - 431.
Liu, Z., Le, N.D., and Zidek, J.V. (2011). An empirical assessment of Bayesian melding for mapping ozone pollution.
Environmetrics , 22, 340-353.
Zidek, J.V., Shaddick, G. and Taylor, C.G. (2014). Reducing estimation bias in adaptively changing monitoring networks with
preferential site selection. Annals of Applied Statistics, 3, 1640-1670.
Bornn, L., Shaddick, S. and Zidek, J.V.(2012). Modeling non-stationary processes through dimension expansion. Journal American
Statistical Association, 107, 281-289.
Zidek, J.V., Shaddick, G. and Taylor, C.G. (2014). Reducing estimation bias in adaptively changing monitoring networks with
preferential site selection. Annals of Applied Statistics, 3, 1640-1670.
Liu Y, Zidek J, Trites A, Battaile B. (2016). Bayesian Data Fusion Approaches to Predicting Spatial Tracks: Application to Marine Mammals. Annals of Applied Statistics, 10, 1517-1546.
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