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Department Alumni Fest 2016

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Name Position Email Office Phone Number Office Room Number
Mairéad Roche Graduate Programs Manager gradinfo [at] stat.ubc.ca 604-822-4821 ESB 3182
Julia Peng Course Coordinator courses [at] stat.ubc.ca ESB 3182
Ah Young Kim Executive Assistant to the Head and Communications Coordinator ea [at] stat.ubc.ca 604-822-0570 ESB 3182
Deeshani Dissanayake Finance & Admin Coordinator finance [at] stat.ubc.ca 604-822-8878 ESB 3182
Matías Salibián-Barrera Interim Head and Professor head [at] stat.ubc.ca 604-822-0570 ESB 3192
Kevin Lin Director of Finance, HR, and Operations admin [at] stat.ubc.ca 604-822-6880 ESB 3194
The Ha IT Director tha [at] stat.ubc.ca 604 822 1629 ESB 4124
Binh Dang IT Support binh.dang [at] stat.ubc.ca 604-822-1676 ESB 4183
Ian F Allison IT Support iana [at] pims.math.ca 604 822 3469 ESB 4126
Brian Kim UNIX IT Administrator brian.kim [at] stat.ubc.ca ESB 4185
Systems IT Support IT Support help [at] stat.ubc.ca


Name Position Email Office Phone Number Office Room Number
Biljana Jonoska Stojkova Senior Statistical Consultant b.stojkova [at] stat.ubc.ca 604-822-2479 ESB 3102
Nikolas S. Krstic Statistical Consultant nikolas.krstic [at] stat.ubc.ca 604-822-2479 ESB 3102
Carolyn Taylor Senior Statistical Consultant cgtaylor [at] stat.ubc.ca 604-822-2924 ESB 3104


Name Position Email Office Phone Number Office Room Number
Marie Auger-Méthé Associate Professor, CRC Tier 2 auger-methe [at] stat.ubc.ca 604-822-8229 ESB 3162
Ben Bloem-Reddy Assistant Professor benbr [at] stat.ubc.ca 604-822-9957 ESB 3168
Alexandre Bouchard-Côté Professor bouchard [at] stat.ubc.ca 604-822-1669 ESB 3124
Rollin F. Brant Professor Emeritus rollin [at] stat.ubc.ca
Katie Burak Assistant Professor of Teaching kburak [at] stat.ubc.ca 604-822-8525 ESB 3101
Benjamin Burr Lecturer ben.burr [at] stat.ubc.ca
Trevor Campbell Associate Professor trevor [at] stat.ubc.ca 604-822-6422 ESB 3116
Jiahua Chen Professor jhchen [at] stat.ubc.ca 604-822-1848 ESB 3136
Gabriela V. Cohen Freue Associate Professor, CRC Tier 2 gcohen [at] stat.ubc.ca 604-822-3710 ESB 3146
Bruce Dunham Professor of Teaching b.dunham [at] stat.ubc.ca 604-822-4997 ESB 3118
Lucy Gao Assistant Professor lucy.gao [at] ubc.ca 604-822-1300 ESB 3128
Frederick P. Glick Professor Emeritus ned [at] stat.ubc.ca
Paul Gustafson Professor gustaf [at] stat.ubc.ca ESB 3192
Nancy E. Heckman Professor Emeritus nancy [at] stat.ubc.ca 604-822-3595 ESB 3103
Harry Joe Professor harry.joe [at] ubc.ca 604-822-2829 ESB 3138
Keegan Korthauer Assistant Professor kkorthauer [at] cmmt.ubc.ca 604-822-5535 ESB 3108
Melissa Lee Associate Professor of Teaching melissa.lee [at] stat.ubc.ca 604-822-8275 ESB 3164
Rodolfo Lourenzutti Associate Professor of Teaching ESB 3158
Albert W. Marshall Professor Emeritus
Daniel J. McDonald Associate Professor daniel [at] stat.ubc.ca 604-822-4037 ESB 3106
Vivian Meng Lecturer vivian.meng [at] stat.ubc.ca ESB 3105
Natalia Nolde Professor natalia [at] stat.ubc.ca 604-822-4373 ESB 3156
Joel Ostblom Assistant Professor of Teaching joel.ostblom [at] stat.ubc.ca 604-822-4302 ESB 3112
Yongjin Park Assistant Professor ypp [at] stat.ubc.ca ESB 3166
John Petkau Professor Emeritus john [at] stat.ubc.ca 604-822-4673 ESB 3148
Geoff Pleiss Assistant Professor geoff.pleiss [at] stat.ubc.ca (604) 827-3091 ESB 3142
W. A. Lasantha Premarathna Lecturer wpremara [at] stat.ubc.ca 604-822-4220 ESB 3109
Estella Qi Sessional Instructor estella.qi [at] stat.ubc.ca 604-822-8315 ESB 3166
G. Alexi Rodríguez-Arelis Assistant Professor of Teaching alexrod [at] stat.ubc.ca 604-827-3209 ESB 3172
Matías Salibián-Barrera Professor matias [at] stat.ubc.ca 604-822-3410 ESB 3114
Tiffany Timbers Associate Professor of Teaching tiffany.timbers [at] stat.ubc.ca 604-822-1631 ESB 3152
William J. Welch Professor will [at] stat.ubc.ca 604-822-3339 ESB 3132
Lang Wu Professor lang [at] stat.ubc.ca 604-822-3319 ESB 3126
Eugenia Yu Associate Professor of Teaching eugenia [at] stat.ubc.ca 604-827-5756 ESB 3122
James V. Zidek FRSC, O.C. Professor Emeritus jim [at] stat.ubc.ca ESB 3103

Postdoctorial Fellows and Research Associates

Name Position Email Office Phone Number Office Room Number
Daniel Y Chen Postdoctoral Research and Teaching Fellow daniel.chen [at] stat.ubc.ca ESB 3105
Mallory J Flynn Post-doctoral Researcher mallory.flynn [at] stat.ubc.ca
Bernard Ng Research Associate bernard.ng [at] stat.ubc.ca 604-875-3802 Centre for Molecular Medicine and Therapeutics, 3109 - 950 W 28th Ave, Vancouver, BC V5Z 4H4
Payman Nickchi Postdoctoral Research and Teaching Fellow payman.nickchi [at] ubc.ca ESB 3161
Andy Man Yeung Tai Postdoctoral Research and Teaching Fellow andy.tai [at] stat.ubc.ca ESB 3161

Graduate Students

Name Program Email Office Phone Number Office Room Number
Jonathan O.K. Agyeman PhD j.agyeman [at] stat.ubc.ca ESB 3165
Clayton Allard MSc clayton.allard [at] stat.ubc.ca
Johnson Chen MSc tingyu.chen [at] stat.ubc.ca
Naitong Chen PhD naitong.chen [at] stat.ubc.ca
Chunfang (Frances) Cheng PhD frances.cheng [at] stat.ubc.ca ESB 3129
Kenny Chiu PhD kenny.chiu [at] stat.ubc.ca ESB 3133
Christine Chuong MSc christine.chuong [at] stat.ubc.ca
Gian Carlo Di-Luvi PhD gian.diluvi [at] stat.ubc.ca ESB 3133
Fanny DUPONT PhD fanny.dupont [at] stat.ubc.ca ESB 3123
Sihaoyu Gao PhD sihaoyu.gao [at] stat.ubc.ca ESB 3165
Daniel Hadley PhD daniel.hadley [at] stat.ubc.ca ESB 3169
Joey Hotz MSc joey.hotz [at] stat.ubc.ca
Wakeel Adekunle Kasali MSc wakeel.kasali [at] stat.ubc.ca +6728666682
Kevin Lam PhD kevin.lam [at] stat.ubc.ca ESB 3131
Seren Lee PhD seren.lee [at] stat.ubc.ca ESB 3135
Matteo Lepur PhD matteo.lepur [at] stat.ubc.ca
Jingyiran Li MSc jingyiran.li [at] stat.ubc.ca
Xiaoting Li PhD xiaoting.li [at] stat.ubc.ca
Xinglong Li PhD xinglong.li [at] stat.ubc.ca 604-822-6956 ESB 3154
Xuan (Shirlina) Li PhD 3127
Haodi Liang PhD jim.liang [at] stat.ubc.ca
Yian Lin MSc yian.lin [at] stat.ubc.ca
Jiaping(Olivia) Liu PhD jiaping.liu [at] stat.ubc.ca 3127
Tiange (Ivy) Liu MSc tiange.liu [at] stat.ubc.ca
Zefan(Steve) Liu MSc zefan.liu [at] stat.ubc.ca
Rachel Lobay PhD rachel.lobay [at] stat.ubc.ca
Hasmik Margaryan PhD hasmik.margaryan [at] stat.ubc.ca 3127
Javier Martinez-Rodriguez MSc javier.mr [at] stat.ubc.ca
Sarah Masri MSc sarah.masri [at] stat.ubc.ca
Giuliano Netto Flores Cruz PhD giuliano.cruz [at] stat.ubc.ca
Parham Pishrobat MSc par.pishrobat [at] ubc.ca
Xihan Qian PhD xihan.qian [at] stat.ubc.ca ESB 3169
Silke Sophia Rice MSc silke.rice [at] stat.ubc.ca
Giorgio (Gio) Sgarbi MSc giorgio.sgarbi [at] stat.ubc.ca
Ning Shen PhD ning.shen [at] stat.ubc.ca ESB 3129
Nikola Surjanovic PhD nikola.surjanovic [at] stat.ubc.ca
Tom Tang MSc tom.tang [at] stat.ubc.ca
Vinky Wang MSc vinky.wang [at] stat.ubc.ca
Xinmiao Wang PhD xinmiao.wang [at] stat.ubc.ca 604-822-0531 ESB 3123
Haibo Wu PhD haibo.wu [at] stat.ubc.ca ESB 3165
Quanhan (Johnny) Xi PhD johnny.xi [at] stat.ubc.ca ESB 3169
Yuan Xia PhD lily.yuanxia [at] stat.ubc.ca ESB 3127
Zuheng (David) Xu PhD zuheng.xu [at] stat.ubc.ca ESB 3131
Qian Ye PhD qian.ye [at] stat.ubc.ca
Ming Yuan PhD ming.yuan [at] stat.ubc.ca ESB 3127

Adjunct Faculty and Associate Members

Name Position Email Office Phone Number Office Room Number
Harlan Campbell Adjunct Professor harlan.campbell [at] stat.ubc.ca Remote Remote
Priscilla Greenwood Associate Member; Professor Emeritus, UBC pgreenw [at] math.ubc.ca 604-827-3209 MATX 1208
Martial Guillaud Adjunct; Research Scientist, Cancer Imaging, BC Cancer Research Centre mguillau [at] bccrc.ca 604-875-8086
Mike Irvine Senior Scientist (BCCDC), Adjunct Professor (UBC Stats) mike.irvine [at] bccdc.ca 604-707-2400 ext 272484
Ehsan Karim Associate Member; Assistant Professor, School of Population and Public Health, UBC ehsan [at] stat.ubc.ca
Laks Lakshmanan Associate Member; Professor, Computer Science, UBC laks [at] cs.ubc.ca 604-822-3153 ICCS 315
Ying MacNab Associate Member; Associate Professor, Epidemiology & Biostatistics, School of Population and Public Health, UBC ying.macnab [at] ubc.ca 604-822-5593 SPPH 134B
Andrew Roth Associate Member; Assistant Professor, Computer Science, UBC; Assistant Professor, Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, UBC aroth [at] cs.ubc.ca
Frank Wood Associate Member; Associate Professor, Department of Computer Science fwood [at] cs.ubc.ca

In Memoriam

Name Position
Constance van Eeden (1927-2021) Honorary Professor
Michael Schulzer Professor
Ruben H Zamar Professor